Purify your Air and Save Money at the Same TimePlus it pays for itself in Money Savings and Helps your Health!
Not Just Another Fluorescent Bulb, Not Just Another Air Purifier,
It's Actually Both!

The World's First and Only...
Air Purifying
Health Promoting
Money Saving Light Bulb
Were you thinking of converting your Existing Medium Base Bulbs into the Fluorescent Type? and/or Were you thinking of purchasing an overpriced Air Purifier? Well, now you can save money by purchasing both items in one unit!
You've seen these fluorescent retro bulbs everywhere for around the same price or more, but have you ever seen one with a Health Promoting Air Purifying System built into it for the Same Price!!!
Well, now it's here. Who says you can't have it all in one?
These bulbs are not only environmentally safe but are energy efficient as well, saving you over $50 in energy consumption over the life of the bulb. To convert your home from energy guzzling to energy efficient and from unhealthy to healthy, we suggest purchasing this Puralite Bulb.
Uses World's First Air Cleaning Negative Ion Generating Technology
Great for you and your family's healthCan remove smoke, odor, improve immunity and hasten metabolism
Saves you money on your electricity bill
Saves you money on bulb replacement because of it's long life (10,000 hour rated*)
Keeps your rooms smelling better
Perfect for...
How Does It Work?
We have combined all the advantages in an Energy Saving Fluorescent Bulb with an Air Purifier that emits negatives ions which improves air quality for you and your family's health.
This element will help remove cigarette smoke, reduce all odors (especially cooking odor), improve immunity, hasten metabolism, slow down aging collecting dust, dispel pet odor and pet dander, kill bacteria, air born viruses and air containments! It also destroys positive ions generated from televisions, computers and other electrical devices. The filter element is located in the center of the unit between the spiral bulb. See image to the right. This filter element never needs replacing, simply dust off any accumulated dust partcles, dirt, etc.
All this for a much lower price than any other air purifier on the market! Plus, don't forget that you will be saving money because it is a long life fluorescent bulb.
Why Do I Need This at Home or Office?
Because modern homes and buildings are constructed so tightly, they block out nature's cleaning agents and trap pollution inside with you... where you probably spend 90% of your time. The most effective measure of controlling indoor air pollution is by the use of a negative ion-generating air purifier.
Recently, the importance of the indoor air quality is on the rise as a new social issue. According to the EPA, indoor air quality is our biggest pollution problem. The EPA estimates that chemical levels are 70 times higher inside the home, than outside. The world Health Organization estiamtes that 40% of all buildings post a serious health hazard due to indoor pollution.
Ever notice why people tend to get ill more when its colder or hotter outside? Because you tend to spend more time indoors when its too cold or too hot to go outside. Yet, still more emphasis is placed on the quality of outdoor air, and people are still not fully aware of the character and concentration of indoor air pollution.
What Do Negative Ions Do?
They detoxify the body through the emission of negative ions. This balances the ionization in your environment and combats ill feelings associated with our stressful lives.
The negative ions in the air vitalize our body as though we were in a forest, waterfall or hot springs. Negative ions are often called the "air vitamin," because when we inhale negative ions, they accelerate the metabolism, promote vitality, make the blood clearer, stabilize the nervous system, aids in recovery of fatigue and increases the appetite.
Stems bacterial growth and forces precipitation of many airborne contaminants, including pollen, dust and dust mites, viruses, second-hand cigarette smoke, animal dander, odors, and toxic chemical fumes.
How Many PuraLite System™ Bulbs Do I Need?
Normal Recommended Amount: 1 PuraLite System™ Bulb per every 80 Square Feet (8 x 10 foot area).
Homes: Highly recommended in your children's rooms, nursery, family rooms, bedrooms, dens, bathrooms, hallways, closets, etc. Can be used in all rooms with normal ceiling heights of 8-10 feet. Rooms with higher ceilings will require more PuraLites for maximum efficiency.
Kitchens: Great for kitchens. May need more PuraLite's than recommended depending on how much cooking is done.
Commercial: In highly polluted areas such as larger restaurants, electronic stores, schools, gyms, enclosed offices, hospitals, clinics, medical offices, etc., you should use more PuraLite System Bulbs per square foot area than the normal recommended amount.
High Traffic: It has been proven that a customer will spend more time and money in your establishment when they are more comfortable. Remember, first impressions...
With this PuraLite System, when your customers first walk in, they won't smell the typical odors that are common in all "open to the public" environments. These locations are generally visited by diverse groups of people which adds to the existing pollutants and odors of your establishment. In places such as clothing and shoe stores, pet stores, small markets and liquor stores, electronic & toys stores, sushi & fast food diners, bars, night clubs, etc., you should use more PuraLite System Bulbs per square foot area than the normal recommended amount.
Note: Works to better efficiency when windows and doors in the rooms where used in are closed.
Life of Bulb: 10,000 Hours, lasts at least 10 times the life of average bulbs
Life of Filter: Permanent Filter will last as long as bulb will
Light Type: White
Color Temp: 4000K
Wattage: CI-15: 15 Watts (equivalent light output to about 60 Watts Incandescent)CI-20: 20 Watts (equivalent light output to about 75 Watts Incandescent)CI-25: 25 Watts (equivalent light output to about 95 Watts Incandescent)
Listing: UL Listed
Warranty: 1 Year or 10,000 Hours on Bulb and Filter
Permanent filter that never needs replacing and will last as long as the bulb does (which is rated at 10,000 hours) and all you need to do is simply dust off any accumulated dust partcles, dirt, etc.
Fuse comes already installed to help prevent overload
Provides a Comfortable and Natural Light
High Luminous Efficiency
Energy Savings up to 80% over normal bulbs
Do not use where directly exposed to rain or snow.
Do not use with emergency exit fixtures or emergency exit lights.
This bulb is NOT intended for use with dimmers.
This bulb is NOT intended for outdoor use.
Emits virtually no heat further helping you save money
Pays for itself in money savings and helps your health
Lasts at least 10 times the life of average bulbs